Free Tyre Check
Did you know that 28% of vehicles fail their first MOT test due to tyre issues?
We can check your tyre treads and pressures while you wait, just drive in and see one of our friendly members of staff.
When braking, your car relies on the tread on your tyres to grip the road and come to a stop in the shortest possible distance. As your tyres wear, that distance will increase, so it is important that you check them regularly to ensure you still have adequate tread on your tyres. RoSPA recommend tyre replacement when your tread reaches 3mm to maintain optimum braking performance. The legal limit for tyre tread depth is 1.6mm across the central three quarters of the tyre. Failing to replace your tyres before they reach the minimum limit could result in points on your licence and a fine per illegal tyre.
Arrange your appointment at a time that suits you by contacting us on 01489 877433 or or pop into reception between 8:30-5:30 mon-fri 8:30-11 Saturday

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